This is the Indianized version of the fish chilly recipe. It can be served with Fried Rice. Follow simple steps to make this dish in no time.

Serves: A Family of Four

Prep. Time: 20 Mins.

Cooking Time: 10 to 12 Mins.


Batter Fried Boneless Fish (Click here)


  • Green Bell Pepper (cut into 1 inch cubes) – 1 medium
  • Green Chillies (cut slanted) – 4 to 5 (or to your liking)
  • Spring Onion Whites (chopped) – 2
  • Spring Onion Greens (chopped fine) – 2


  • Garlic (finely minced) – 1 ½ tbsp. (18 to 20 cloves)
  • Soya Sauce – 1 ½ tbsp.
  • Green Chilly Sauce – 1 tbsp.
  • Stock cubes – 2 small (dissolved in 300 ml. hot water) OR Fish Stock – 300 ml.
  • Synthetic White Vinegar – 1 tsp. or to taste
  • Corn Flour – 1 tbsp. (dissolved in ¼ cup warm water)
  • Oil (pref. sesame) – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt – ¼ tsp. or to taste

Step 1:     Heat the oil in a pan/wok suitable to make the sauce. Add the finely chopped garlic and sauté for a minute on low heat. Add the spring onion whites, capsicum and green chillies and sauté on high heat for 2 minutes.

Step 2:     Add soy sauce, green chilly sauce and stir. Add the warm hot stock and bring to a boil.

Step 3:     Add white vinegar and season if required. Finally add the cornflour slurry and stir continuously on medium heat till the sauce thickens to a consistency of your choice. The sauce should look glossy.

Step 4:     Add the batter fried fish. Mix lightly and switch off the heat. Sprinkle the spring onion greens.

Serve with vegetable or chicken fried rice.


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